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The project EERAdata
Towards a FAIR and open data ecosystem in the low carbon energy research community. Transparent, re-usable, and integrated energy data enable society to choose, monitor, and implement sustainable transition pathways. It is not only a prerequisite for people to have ownership over the changes, but it is also offering huge potential for industrial and social innovation. The majority of energy databases are not fit for this purpose, which the project aims to change. The consortium develops, tests, and implements a FAIR and open data ecosystem in the energy field. FAIR stands for F-findable, A-accessible, I-interoperable, and R-re-usable. The EU-funded EERAdata project builds a pool of data stewards to guide the community towards fit-for-purpose data practices.
EERAdata logo and key visual. The elements of the logo include data points - symbolizing databases or data platforms - and a data folder which are connected through the feed symbol. All stand for the idea of EERAdata to support FAIR and open data. The folder furthermore is a nostalgic reminder of the grand library catalogs to search for books, all of them are masterpieces on their own.The project is funded by Europa's Horizon 2020 Research Program.
The website is here:
Here we report when we did what to implement EERAdata. Workshops, meetings to build a FAIR/O community for energy data, etc. Timeline
EERAdata & Arts
The artist Barbara Bellier from Clairmont-Ferrand in France joined our workshops to illustrate the discussions. With her beautiful art, she lifted our spirit when discussions became tough and problems seemed too huge for our small project. Many thanks for your manifold inspirations!
See the gallery from workshop 1.
See the gallery from workshop 2.
Join and collaborate interactively!
The workshop is a hackathon! EERAdata is evolving jointly only! Join the discussions and work together online:
EERAdata story board
Objective: collect views from participants regarding energy data, energy metadata, FAIR/O problems etc. to support discussions, identification of gaps & needs (WP2) and elements to design the platform (WP3).
- Q#1: What is your user story regarding FAIR/O energy data?
- Q#2: What is your user story regarding metadata?
Template to answer: As a <stakeholder>, I want <goal> so that <reason>.
How to post a story?
- Click on the link:
- Click on plus at the right bottom to add a story.
- Choose a title depending on the question you want to answer. Choose for Q#1: FAIR/O data, or for Q#2: metadata. In the example above, the title “metadata” was chosen.
- Type your sentence to let us know where the gaps and hopes are: The template is: As a <stakeholder>, I want <goal> so that <reason>.
Example: As a data-driven energy researcher, I want utopia - i.e. one-stop access to all relevant metadata -, so that I can browse available data, check where they are from and whether I can trust them when reusing.
How to comment a story?
- One can rate stories by clicking on a number of stars.
- One can comment stories as well as comments with words.
- It is anonymous commenting and adding of stories, as long as one does not login into one's personal profile at
EERAdata wiki - How to?
The easiest way is you simply start writing and editing. You can install an easy editor by doing what is described on the picture to the right.
Temporarily login for guests:
- user name: guest, pwd: guest2020
Login for EERAdata consortium members:
- user name: <your_first_name+firstletter_of_your_last_name>, e.g., valerias
- pwd: sent seperately to each of you individually
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EERAdata on github
Link here and share your thoughts and issues! Note, work in progress.
EERAdata @ Research Gate
Link here and share your thoughts and issues! Note, work in progress.
Just have fun!
Metadata memory game
This is a little memory game where players need to identify triples. They will learn about metadata. A triple describes an example of metadata used in low carbon energy. Different formats, file types, and descriptions are introduced. Link
List of project partners
- HVL - Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
- IUE - Izmir University of Economics
- AIT - Austrian Institute of Technology
- GIG - Central Mining Institute
- EERA - European Energy Research Alliance
- ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development
Use cases in EERAdata
Definition: Use cases are an exercise for testing and refining the general approach towards FAIRification and opening of databases as well as to testing and refining the community platform. Use cases constitute practical commitments for implementation (PCI), i.e. the FAIRification and opening of data. Through exercises, the status quo of FAIR/O data principles in each use case is advanced by:
- Identifying taxonometric elements and metadata common among different domains of the energy system. Proper metadata will enable separating expert knowledge (and expert interest) from general knowledge and general interest, allowing coarse-grained and fine-grained navigation.
- Linking these metadata standards to existing metadata standards in other domains. Example: Weather-related data are integral to the efficient operation of PV, wind technology, or district heating. The assignment of geo-tagged information to low carbon energy technology data is thus the way forward. EERAdata will link energy domain metadata with metadata defined by ISO 19115 Geographic Metadata Information.
- Exploring a variety of challenges towards FAIRification and Opening of data. Use cases provide a means to test the EERAdata concept towards FAIRification and the opening of data. Therefore, use cases are chosen to cover, on the one hand, low hanging fruits to demonstrate do-ability, promote the FAIR/O data principle implementation and showing associated benefits for the low carbon energy research community. On the other hand, EERAdata also includes use cases where the concept is challenged, because FAIRification and opening activities are still in their infancy.
- Broad testing and application to enable trans-disciplinary research combining data from different domains and at different scales. Use cases are at the same time selected to cover wider aspects of the low carbon energy transformation, exploring different sub-domains. This ensures a broad testing and application of the FAIR/O ecosystem as well as the community platform.
- Gender as a cross-cutting issue, see Gender for more details.
Selection: Altogether 4 use cases were selected:
Use case 1 | Use case 2 | Use case 3 | Use case 4 | Machine-actionable DMP |
Buildings efficiency | Power transmission & distribution networks | Material solutions for low carbon energy | Low carbon energy and energy efficiency policies | Data Management Plan |
Inspiration from other use cases
Metadata standards in the energy domain that allow machine-actionability
- RDF - @prefix rdf: <> .
- Fundamental data types - @prefix xsd: <> .
- Media resources ontology - @prefix ma: <> .
- Doublin Core - @prefix dc: <> .
- - @prefix schema: <> .
- DBpedia - defining concepts @prefix dbo: <> .
- DBpedia - defining resources @prefix dbr: <> .
- Geographic information - @prefix geo: <> .
- WIKIDATA - @prefix wikidata: <> .
- Microsoft standard for data cleaning/governance concepts - @prefix grel: <> .
- Countries names - @prefix country: <> .
- Physical units - @prefix qudt-unit-1-1: <> .
- Geopolitical terms - @prefix geop: <> .
Researchers and institutions
- ORICID - @prefix orcid: <> .
- Registered organisations ontology - @prefix rov: <> .
- GLEIF for legal forms ontology - @prefix gleif: <> .
- GLEIF for legal forms ontology@prefix gleif-elf: <> .
- GLEIF for legal forms ontology@prefix gleif-L1: <> .
- @prefix qudt-1-1: <> .
Economic sectors
- Economic Sectors - @prefix nace: <> .
- Extensible Business Report Language - @prefix xbrll: <> .
Energy domain terminology
- SIEC - International Energy Product Classification Standard - @prefix siec: <> .
- Open Energy Ontology - @prefix oeo: <> .
Other, ontologies, thesauri etc. in energy
- Energy Management Applications (OEMA). Creating ontologies can be a very tedious task if done by hand. Therefore, it is crucial to automatize this procedure. Details can be found in the Wikipedia article on Ontology learning. Examples for the energy sector are: Javier Cuenca et al. A Unified Semantic Ontology for Energy Management Applications.
Gap analysis
Gap analysis. Identification and clustering of energy research data sources (data collection or identification from existing repositories and former national and EU projects prioritizing databases relevant for the use cases, conceptual grouping/clustering of data-related use cases, building on workshop discussions). The goal is to elicit metadata and FAIR/O bottlenecks relevant across energy use cases and their positioning in the energy system. EERAdata uses Wilkinson et al. 2016 as well as the FAIR self-assessment tools (e.g., nectar and RDS) to develop criteria for assessing appliance with FAIR/O principles in the energy domain. The consortium will also discuss the possibility of developing a badge, able to display results of assessments on the community platform. Related deliverables and output: D2.2 Gap analysis report, D3.1 Platform specifications, and D2.3. Report on Research Recommendations (see Project Management).
Workshop concept of EERAdata
The workshop concept of EERAdata is developed along with the Index to FAIR Action Plan as recommended by EC Expert Group on FAIR data, 2018 More specifically, the testing and discussion of the FAIR/O ecosystem (incl. the community platform) are organized through a series of workshops that take place twice a year with sequential annual foci. Each workshop takes three days. The first day is dedicated to state of the art for each workshop topic. Experts from the energy and other research communities are invited to present best practices (ensuring the participation from institutions providing research infrastructure, academia, and industry and private sector persons). Mutual learning and exchange of knowledge are facilitated in moderated discussions following presentations. The first day advances the understanding of cutting-edge concepts and approaches towards FAIR/O data (e.g., the role of metadata, data management plans, metrics, incentive mechanisms, etc.). The second day uses the knowledge and understanding obtained during the first day to translate the concepts and approaches to the domain of low carbon energy research data at the level of selected use cases. The goal is to understand the ways of data discovery and to synthesize metadata from mental models of domain experts (otherwise proposed metadata will remain artificial and, thus, not used in the community). Hence, the work done during the second day takes place in parallel groups structured around use cases (see details below). The key participants of workshops are consortium members for each use case and the groups of stewards of FAIR/O data principles recruited from invited experts. The third day synthesizes, integrates, and concludes the results achieved during the first two days (e.g., unifying and linking metadata across use cases). First, discussed concepts and approaches for the FAIR/O ecosystem, as well as the community platform, are refined. This continuously shapes the main deliverables of the workshops. Second, the agenda of the next workshop is agreed upon and specified with respect to experts to be invited and topics to be addressed. It should be noted that the first and the second day are open to participants from outside of the consortium to allow community-wide participation in EERAdata.
- 1st Year: Define. Concept for FAIR implementation. Skills for FAIR.
- 2nd Year: Implement. FAIR culture. FAIR Ecosystem. Skills for FAIR.
- 3rd Year: Embed & sustain. Incentives, metrics, and investments for FAIR data and services.
List of workshops
Workshop 1
- Workshop 1 - link to workshop page on "FAIR principles and METADATA for low carbon energy"
Workshop 2
- Workshop 2 - link to workshop page on "FAIR and open energy metadata"
Workshop 3
- Workshop 3 - link to workshop page on "FAIRification put into practice"
Workshop 4
- Workshop 4 - link to workshop page on "Supporting technologies for FAIRification"
Workshop 5
- Workshop 5 - link to workshop page on "Sustainable models for FAIR and open low carbon energy research data"
Workshop 6
- Workshop on "New trends in open science & steps beyond EERAdata"
Community Platform
In its Work Package 3, EERAdata develops a web-based platform for the low carbon energy research community to access relevant databases in a uniform and seamless way. This Wiki section supports the development of the platform and formulates its Functional Specifications. We conceive it as a living document collecting inputs from a variety of user perspectives, especially from the EERAdata use cases (Buildings efficiency, Power transmission & distribution networks, Material solutions for low carbon energy and Low carbon energy and energy efficiency policies). This living document forms the basis of Deliverable 3.1 that will guide the design and implementation of the platform. It´s main elements are:
- A Community forum to support EERAdata and the wider community to develop and discuss the ecosystem for FAIR/O energy data (e.g., joint ontologies, metadata standards, assessment criteria, etc.). Along with the EERAdata Workshops, this forum is a possibility for discussing the users´ needs and expectations towards the platform online and also to support the metadata harmonization procedures (e.g., joint ontologies, metadata standards, assessment criteria, etc.).
- A Web-based dashboard providing systematic access to external energy research databases in distributed open repositories. In a searchable database of metadata, the user will be able to start queries and will be linked – through an internal processing and storage device – to information on the queried databases. As such, the platform will not duplicate resources but work as a federated database and offer basic analytic features.
Figure: Web-based Platform elements (from Project proposal)
Access the EERAdata Community Platform
Project management
Link to a page with with deliverables etc.