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Workshop N.3: FAIRification put into practice - a joint workshop by EERAdata and the EERA tJP 'Digitalization for Energy'

We are happy to announce that EERAdata jointly organizes the 3rd EERAdata workshop together with the EERA tJP "Digitalization for energy" (DfE) as part of their annual conference. The workshop is organized with online webinars and hands-on sessions between 12 and 14 October 2021. Data interoperability and workflows are recurrent themes of all workshop sessions.



  • Discuss and develop workflows for large-scale FAIR and open (simulation) data
  • Synthesize community insights and formulate action points
  • Participate in a writing hackaton: contribute to a community paper!

Read & watch aheads

In order to meet the WS3 objectives and to prepare for the paper writing hackathon, please have a look to:

Agenda - 12 October: 14.00-17.00

Towards High-Performance Computing (HPC) and the FAIRification of energy data
Chair: Massimo Celino (ENEA & DfE Deputy Coordinator)
14:00 Welcome and introduction Giorgio Graditi ENEA, Head of Department 'Energy Technologies and Renewable Sources'
14:20 The EU energy policy context Vincent Berrutto Head of Unit 'Innovation, clean technologies

and competitiveness', DG ENER, EC

14:40 The EERA vision for a Clean Energy Transition Adel El Gammal EERA Secretary General
15:00 EERA DfE: Maximizing the impact of digitalisation as a cross-cutting activity within EERA Rafael Mayo Garcia CIEMAT & DfE Coordinator
15:20 Break
15.40 SP1 (EoCoE): Toward exascale for a clean and decarbonized energy Edouard Audit CEA & DfE SP1 Coordinator & EoCoE PI
16:00 SP2 (EERAdata): Machine-actionable data as a prerequisite for AI-applications Valeria Jana Schwanitz HVL & DfE SP2 Coordinator & EERAdata PI
16:20 OntoCommons Project Yann Le Franc CEO and Scientific Director e-Science Data Factory
16:40 Enabling dynamic and intelligent workflows in the future EuroHPC ecosystem Rosa M Badia BSC, Workflows and Distributed Computing Group Manager

Agenda - 13 October: 09.00-12.15

Continuation "Towards High-Performance Computing (HPC) and the FAIRification of energy data"

Perspectives on HPC and data: EERA tJP challenges
Chair: Rafael Mayo Garcia (CIEMAT & DfE Coordinator)
09:00 Towards an energy data space - the FEEDS project idea Johanna Schmidt Head of Visual Analytics Group

VRVis Forschungs-GmbH & FEEDS PI

09:15 FAIR data and FAIR workflows with AiiDA: common workflows for materials properties with 11+ quantum engines Giovanni Pizzi EPFL & Marvel, Lausanne
09:30 Digitalization in nuclear materials research: facts and challenges Marjorie Bertolus CEA & DfE SP Nuclear Matter
09:45 The role of digitalization at the development of sustainable hydropower Eduard Doujak TU Wien & DfE SP Hydro
10:00 Seeking for new/improved materials for energy transition, impact of HPC and digitalization use David Lacroix Lorraine University & DfE SP AMPEA
10:15 Digitalisation challenges for an effective Energy Systems Integration Peter Breuhaus Norce Research & DfE SP ESI
10:30 ENTENTE – Defining and implementing a European Database for Multiscale Modelling Marta Serrano Garcia CIEMAT, Head of the Division of Materials of Energy Interest
10.45 The EERAdata platform - ideas for tools and services Astrid Unger AIT & EERAdata
11:00 Break
Perspectives on workflows and interoperable data: EERAdata Use Cases
Chair: Valeria Jana Schwanitz (HVL & DfE SP2 Coordinator & EERAdata PI)
11:15 FAIRification challenges: Evidence from real life implementations Mehmet Efe Biresselioglu IUE & EERAdata UC1 "Buildings Efficiency"
11:30 FAIRification put into practice - The code of the FAIR COMETS inventory on energy communities across Europe August Wierling HVL & EERAdata UC2 "Energy Markets"
11:45 Experiences with establishing workflows for the material science database Massimo Celino ENEA & EERAdata UC3 "Materials for energy"
12:00 Challenges in implementing FAIR principles in energy policy domain Mariusz Kruczek GIG & EERAdata UC4 "Energy and energy efficiency policies"

Agenda - 13 October: 13.30-17.30

EERAdata hands-on!

The afternoon is organized in a slot with two breakout groups, followed by two plenaries.

13.30-15.00 Parallel breakout groups (BOG):

BOG "FAIR data challenges in Individual level data: Cases and evidences from H2020 Projects". Organized by UC1 "Buildings efficiency". Format: Presentations, Q&A and discussion. Agenda with speakers and topics to follow.

FAIR data challenges in Individual level data:

Cases and evidences from H2020 Projects

Moderator: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Efe Biresselioglu, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey
  • Dr. Andrea Kollmann, Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
  • Dr. Johannes Reichl, Energieinstitut an der Johannes Kepler Universität Linz, Austria
Discussant: Dr. Muhittin Hakan Demir, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey

Technical BOG "FAIRIfication in practice: Discussing solutions for technical challenges - integrating standards, supporting workflows". Organized by UC2 "Energy Markets" and UC3 "Material for energy". Format: Addressing in group discussion identified technical issues.

FAIRIfication in practice:

Discussing solutions for technical challenges - integrating standards, supporting workflows

Moderator: TbD
  • UC2 "Energy Markets"
  • UC3 "Material for energy"
    • "FAIR data and FAIR workflows with AiiDA: common workflows for materials properties with 11+ quantum engines", Giovanni Pizzi, EPFL & Marvel, Lausanne, Switzerland
Discussant: TbD

Break of 30 min

15.30-16.15 Collecting feedback from data users and stakeholders (to prepare a draft to survey user interests) organized by UC 4 "Energy and energy efficiency policies" (GIG team)

FAIR data challenges in energy and energy efficiency policies
Moderators: Małgorzata Markowska, Aleksandra Zgórska, GIG, Katowice

Disscusion questions:

  • What data related to energy policies are you looking for?
  • Which strategy to search for data related to energy policies do you use?
  • How do you use data extracted from energy policy databases?
  • What are the expectations regarding the content of databases on energy policies?
  • What would facilitate the use of data contained in energy policy databases?
Main outcome: Recommendations for the community survey

Break of 15 min

16.30-17.30 Conclusions for the EERAdata platform: Which FAIR data services and tools to offer? organized by WP3 (AIT team)

EERAdata platform implementation strategy
Moderators: Manfred Paier, Michael Barber, Astrid Unger (AIT, Vienna)

Disscusion points:

  • State of the platform pilot
  • Examination of actual data (examples from Use Cases)
  • Review of platform concept
  • Agreement on implementation plan for each Use Case
  • FAIRification workflows and support functions requested by the EERAdata Use Cases
Main outcome: Action plan for preparing and implementing Workshop 4

Agenda - 14 October: 09.00-12.30

EERAdata hands-on!

Title Moderator
09:00 Discussion across use cases: How to advance the state of FAIR in the use cases? What are the plans for uploading use cases demos to the European Open Science Cloud? Use case leaders
11:30 Plenary to wrap up discussions - how to continue working on the paper and how to prepare the 4th EERAdata workshop Valeria Jana Schwanitz