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The first workshop of EERAdata is organized as an online webinar and hackathon from June, 2-4, 2020.


  • Learn about FAIR and open data practices in the energy and other research communities;
  • Choose selected databases to be investigated in use cases. Discuss and summarize the reasons for selection.
  • Analyze the state of FAIR/O principles for the selected database (with the help of the questionnaire and FAIR/O assessment tools).
  • Evaluate the state of FAIR/O principles for the metadata of selected databases.
  • Suggest general principles for the design of metadata (use-case- and domain-specific),
  • Discuss top-level metadata adhering to FAIR/O principles (use-case- and domain-specific),
  • Learn about the FAIRification of Data Management Plans (DMP).

Read aheads


Suggested read on the history of metadata: Metadata - Shaping Knowledge from Antiquity to the Semantic Web by Richard Gartner,

Interactive elements

The workshop is a hackathon! Join the discussions and work together online:

EERAdata story board

Objective: collect views from participants regarding energy data, energy metadata, FAIR/O problems etc. to support discussions, identification of gaps & needs (WP2) and elements to design the platform (WP3).


  • Q#1: What is your user story regarding FAIR/O energy data?
  • Q#2: What is your user story regarding metadata?

Template to answer: As a <stakeholder>, I want <goal> so that <reason>.

How to post a story?

  1. Click on the link:
  2. Click on plus at the right bottom to add a story.
  3. Choose as title depending on the question one wants to answer. Choose for Q#1: FAIR/O data, or for Q#2: metadata. In the example above, the title “metadata” was chosen.
  4. Type your sentence to let us know where the gaps and hopes are: The template is: As a <stakeholder>, I want <goal> so that <reason>.

Example: As a data-driven energy researcher, I want utopia - i.e. one-stop access to all relevant metadata -, so that I can browse available data, check where they are from and whether I can trust them when reusing.

How to comment a story?

  • One can rate stories by clicking on a number of stars.
  • One can comment stories as well as comments with words.
  • It is anonymous commenting and adding of stories, as long as one does not login into one's personal profile at

Metadata memory game

This is a little memory game where players need to identify triples. They will learn about metadata. A triple describes an example of metadata used in low carbon energy. Different formats, file types, and descriptions are introduced. Link

Agenda Day 1

Builds on read aheads. Online talks and discussions. Space for interaction with participants after each presentation. Moderated discussion of collected comments.

Time slot Topic
10.00-10.20 Welcome and introduction with workshop goals and procedures: “EERAdata - Towards Utopia for low carbon energy research”, Valeria Jana Schwanitz, HVL & PI EERAdata.
10.20-12.15 Online lectures:
  • “The EOSC-Nordic: machine-actionable FAIR Maturity evaluations and the FAIRification of data repositories” - Andreas Jaunsen, Nordforsk & EOSC-Nordic.
  • “OpenAIRE: Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe”, Ilaria Fava, OpenAIRE.

A short break of 15 min -

  • “Community-driven metadata and ontologies for Materials Science and their key role in artificial-intelligence tools”, Luca Ghiringhelli, FHI Berlin.
  • “Metadata practices from IRP Wind”, Anna Maria Sempreviva, DTU. (The presentation title will be updated).
12.15-13.00 Lunch Break. Play the EERAdata game “Utopia and metadata”. Or any time.
13.00-14.00 Online lectures:
  • “Humanities and data: for a community-driven path towards FAIRness”, Elena Giglia, UNITO.
  • “RISIS - An e-Infrastructure for the STI-Policy research community”, Thomas Scherngell, AIT.
14.00-14.30 Break - Game “Utopia and metadata”. Or any time.
14.30-16.00 Discussion to compile a to-do list for work in use cases on the second day. Serves as a guiding and aligning process. Lead by WP2, August Wierling/Valeria, HVL.

Notes from Day 1

  • Bulleted list item
  • Notes by Efe...

Agenda Day 2

METADATA - DISCUSSIONS in use cases, parallel sessions. Work in use cases on databases and metadata, led by use case leaders. Suggested outline:

  • 10-12 Discuss and update preliminary state of FAIR/O for the use case. Use the prepared draft of databases to check compliance with FAIR principles (tools: WP3 questionnaire and others). Compare the assessment results for each database. Observe and discuss agreements and differences across the evaluation tools. Generate the overall picture for FAIR/O compliance for the use case to pin down the state of art. Let’s see if we come to the same result as in our initial assessment for the application (traffic lights). Continuously make notes to report later on results. Select a responsible person. Objective: select 3-5 databases per use case. Discuss which databases to select. One to cover use-case specific challenges; and one with cross-use case relevance, and one a low hanging fruit for which it would be relatively easy to improve the current FAIR/O status.
  • 13-15 Joint brainstorming to discuss FAIR/O state of the metadata for the selected use cases. Evaluate: What is the current description of metadata? How extensive are they? Is only administrative information provided? Or richer context description? What frameworks for metadata are used: taxonomy? thesaurus? ontology? How is the metadata information technically implemented: plain text file? xml? rdf? ... Identify use case specific issues with metadata - What are the gaps? What is perceived as a hard nut to crack? Pay special attention to the metadata of the databases and fill out the table provided WP2. Continuously make notes to report results the next day! Select a responsible person!
  • 15-17 Joint recording of lessons learned. Create and/or update the WIKI for the use case with literature, gaps, best practices, FAIR/O discussion, metadata discussion, suggested next steps, .... Get your head around what to report next day! Plan for 20 min. See the links to WIKI page templates below (Notes from Day 2).

Note: This schedule is a suggestion. Adjust and organize breaks as needed.

Notes from Day 2

  • Use case 1 - Summary: UC1, Detailed notes: WS1UC1
  • Use case 2 - Summary: UC2, Detailed notes: WS1UC2
  • Use case 3 - Summary: UC3, Detailed notes: WS1UC3
  • Use case 4 - Summary: UC4, Detailed notes: WS1UC4

Agenda Day 3

Reporting experience from use case applications. Prepare the next workshop on workflows and metadata. Introduction and discussion of data management plans.

Time slot Topic
10-12.30 Discussion lead by WP2. Report from use case experiences (by use case leaders). Wrap up.
12.30-13.30 Lunch break
13.30-15.00 Data Management Plans
  • Presentation “Introduction to DMP and best practices” by Trond Kvamme, NSD
  • Presentation on machine-actionable DMPs by Tomasz Miksa, TU Vienna
  • Discussion of EERAdata DMP draft (August, HVL)
  • Short break of 15 min
15.15-16.00 Wrap up of workshop with feedback from invited experts.

Notes from Day 3

  • Bulleted list item