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We are happy to announce that EERAdata jointly organizes the 3rd EERAdata workshop together with the EERA tJP "Digitalization for energy" as part of their annual conference. Title: "FAIRification put into practice - a joint workshop by EERAdata and the tJP Digitalization for Energy"

The workshop is organized with online webinars and hands-on sessions between 12 and 14 October 2021. Data interoperability and workflows are recurrent themes of all workshop sessions.

Google doc working document:


  • Present activities of the tJP Digitalization for Energy - From FAIR data governance to AI applications and Exascale computing
  • Discuss and develop workflows for large-scale FAIR and open (simulation) data
  • Synthesize community insights and formulate action points

Read & watch aheads

In order to meet the WS3 objectives and to prepare for the paper writing hackathon, please have a look to:

Agenda - 12 October afternoon

Towards High-Performance Computing (HPC) and the FAIRification of energy data:

  • Who are the communities in EERA working on data governance, HPC, and AI applications?
  • What are current topics of interest?
Title Speaker
14:00 Welcome Massimo Celino (ENEA)
14:10 ENEA Giorgio Graditi (ENEA)
14:20 The EERA vision for a Clean Energy Transition Adel El Gammal (EERA)
14:40 EERA DfE: Maximizing the impact of digitalisation as a cross-cutting activity within EERA Mayo Garcia Rafael (CIEMAT)
14.50 SP1 (EoCoE): Toward exascale for a clean and decarbonized energy Edouard Audit (CEA)
15:10 SP2 (EERAdata): Machine-actionable data as a prerequisite for AI-applications Valeria Jana Schwanitz (HVL)
15:30 Break
15:45 AI + FAIR for Energy Tbd
16:15 Enabling dynamic and intelligent workflows in the future EuroHPC ecosystem Rosa M Badia (BSC)

Agenda - 13 October morning

Continuation "Towards High-Performance Computing (HPC) and the FAIRification of energy data":

  • Who are the communities in EERA working on data governance, AI applications, and HPC?
  • What are current topics of interest?
  • Insights from projects & presentations of use case examples
Title Speaker
09:00 Towards an energy data space - the FEEDS project idea Tbd, FEEDS consortium
09:30 Digitalization in nuclear materials research: facts and challenges Marjorie Bertolus (CEA) and SP Nuclear Matter
09:45 Title Eduard Doujak (TU Wien) and SP Hydro
10:00 Seeking for new/improved materials for energy transition, impact of HPC and digitalization use David Lacroix (Lorraine Univ) and SP AMPEA
10:15 Digitalisation challenges for an effective Energy Systems Integration Peter Breuhaus (Norce Research) and SP ESI
10:30 ENTENTE – Defining and implementing a European Database for Multiscale Modelling Marta Serrano Garcia (CIEMAT)
10.45 The EERAdata platform - ideas for tools and services Astrid Unger (AIT)
11:00 BREAK
Perspectives on workflows and interoperable data - Introduction to the workshop sessions for individual use cases
11:15 Titel XXX Tbd, UC1 "Buildings Efficiency"
11:30 FAIRification put into practice - The code of the FAIR COMETS inventory on energy communities across Europe August Wierling (HVL), UC2 "Energy Markets"
11:45 Experiences with establishing workflows for the material science database Tbd, UC3 "Materials for energy"
12:00 Title XXX Team (GIG), UC4 "Energy and energy efficiency policies"

Agenda - 13 October afternoon: 13.30-17.30

The afternoon is organized in a slot with two breakout groups, followed by two plenaries.

13.30-15.00 Parallel breakout groups (BOG):

  1. BOG organized by UC1 "Buildings efficiency". Format: Presentations, Q&A and discussion. Agenda with speakers and topics to follow.
  2. Technical BOG "FAIRIfication in practice: Discussing solutions for technical challenges - integrating standards, supporting workflows". Organized by UC2 "Energy Markets" and UC3 "Material for energy". Format: Addressing in group discussion identified technical issues.

Break of 30 min

15.30-16.15 Collecting feedback from data users and stakeholders (to prepare a draft to survey user interests) organized by UC 4 "Energy and energy efficiency policies" (GIG team)

Break of 15 min

16.30-17.30 Conclusions for the EERAdata platform: Which FAIR data services and tools to offer? organized by WP3 (AIT team)

Agenda - 14 October morning

Title Moderator
09:00 Discussion across use cases: How to advance the state of FAIR in the use cases? What are the plans for uploading use cases demos to the European Open Science Cloud? Use case leaders
11:30 Plenary to wrap up discussions - how to continue working on the paper and how to prepare the 4th EERAdata workshop Valeria Jana Schwanitz