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The 3rd EERAdata Workshop is entitled "FAIRification put into practice". The workshop is organized as an online webinar and hackathon between 11 and 15 October 2021. Data interoperability and workflows are recurrent themes of all workshop sessions.

We are happy to announce that EERAdata jointly organizes the 3rd workshop with the EERA tJP "Digitalization for energy" as part of their annual conference. There is a simple rationale for this: FAIR data are a prerequisite for AI applications.

Google doc working document:


  • Characterize data for the implementation of FAIR and open principles
  • Develop a workflow for the general approach to the FAIRification and opening of databases
  • Discuss: How to collect information and structure a community paper on the relevance of FAIR data for the energy communities and how AI technologies can support workflows

Read & watch aheads

In order to meet the WS3 objectives and to prepare for the paper writing hackathon, please have a look to:

Invited speakers

Speaker Institution Topic Confirm Date
Adel El Gammal EERA EERA and CET yes 12 oct
Giorgio Graditi ENEA ENEA in Digitalization for energy 12 oct
Edouard Audit CEA - MdlS EERA DfE SP1 + EoCoE yes 12 oct (30 min) In the afternoon if possible
Rosa M Badia BSC eflows4hpc project yes 12 oct (30 min) Either on the morning or 4 pm on
Marjorie Bertolus CEA NM SP yes 13 oct (15 min)
Marta Serrano Garcia CIEMAT ENTENTE yes 13 oct (15 min)
Eduard Doujak TU Wien Hydro SP yes 13 oct (15 min)
David Lacroix Lorraine Univ AMPEA SP 13 oct (15 min)
Peter Breuhaus Norcer Research ESI SP yes 13 oct (15 min)
TBD Workflows 13 oct
TBD Energy in buildings 13 oct (15 min)
TBD Energy markets 13 oct (15 min)
TBD Energy policies 13 oct (15 min)
TBD E3S UC (COMETS) 13 oct

Agenda - 12 October afternoon

FAIRification of energy data put into practice:

  • Who are the communities in EERA working on data governance and AI applications?
  • What are current topics of interest?
Title Speaker
14:00 Welcome and introduction Massimo Celino (ENEA)
14:10 ENEA Giorgio Graditi (ENEA)
14:20 The EERA vision for a Clean Energy Transition Adel El Gammal (EERA)
14:40 EERA DfE – Maximizing the impact of digitalisation as a cross-cutting activity within EERA Mayo Garcia Rafael (CIEMAT)
14.50 SP1 (EoCoE) - Toward exascale for a clean and decarbonized energy Edouard Audit (CEA)
15:10 SP2 (EERAdata): Machine-actionable data as a prerequisite for AI-applications Valeria Jana Schwanitz (HVL)
15:30 Break
15:45 AI + FAIR for Energy Tbd
16:15 Enabling dynamic and intelligent workflows in the future EuroHPC ecosystem Rosa M Badia (BSC)

Agenda - 13 October morning


  • Who are the communities in EERA working on data governance and AI applications?
  • What are current topics of interest?
  • Insights from projects & presentations of use case examples
Title Speaker
09:00 Towards an energy data space - the FEEDS project idea Tbd, FEEDS consortium
09:30 Title Marjorie Bertolus (CEA) and SP Nuclear Matter
09:45 Title Eduard Doujak (TU Wien) and SP Hydro
10:00 Title David Lacroix (Lorraine Univ) and SP AMPEA
10:15 Title Peter Breuhaus (Norce Research) and SP ESI
10:30 Title ... ENTENTE Project Marta Serrano Garcia (CIEMAT)
10.45 The EERAdata platform - ideas for tools and services Team (AIT)
11:00 BREAK
Perspectives on workflows and interoperable data - Introduction to the workshop sessions for individual use cases
11:15 Titel XXX Tbd, UC1 "Buildings Efficiency"
11:30 FAIRification put into practice - Coding the FAIR COMETS inventory on energy communities August Wierling (HVL), UC2 "Energy Markets"
11:45 Experiences with establishing workflows for the material science database Tbd, UC3 "Materials for energy"
12:00 Title XXX Team (GIG), UC4 "Energy and energy efficiency policies"

Agenda - 13 October afternoon: 13.30-17.30

The afternoon is organized in a slot with two breakout groups, followed by two plenaries.

13.30-15.00 Parallel breakout groups (BOG):

  1. BOG organized by UC1 "Buildings efficiency". Format: Presentations, Q&A and discussion. Agenda with speakers and topics to follow.
  2. Technical BOG "FAIRIfication in practice: Discussing solutions for technical challenges - integrating standards, supporting workflows". Organized by UC2 "Energy Markets" and UC3 "Material for energy". Format: Addressing in group discussion identified technical issues.

Break of 30 min

15.30-16.15 Collecting feedback from data users and stakeholders (to prepare a draft to survey user interests) organized by UC 4 "Energy and energy efficiency policies" (GIG team)

Break of 15 min

16.30-17.30 Conclusions for the EERAdata platform: Which FAIR data services and tools to offer? organized by WP3 (AIT team)

Agenda - 14 October morning

Title Moderator
09:00 Discussion across use cases: How to advance the state of FAIR in the use cases? What are the plans for uploading use cases demos to the European Open Science Cloud? Use case leaders
11:30 Plenary to wrap up discussions - how to continue working on the paper and how to prepare the 4th EERAdata workshop Valeria Jana Schwanitz