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The third EERAdata Workshop is organized as an online webinar and hackathon between 11 and 15 October 2021. It is organized by EERAdata jointly with the EERA tJP "Digitalization for energy".


  • Characterize data for the implementation of FAIR and open principles
  • Develop a workflow for the general approach to the FAIRification and opening of databases
  • Community paper on relevance of FAIR data for the energy communities and how AI technologies can support workflows

Read & watch aheads

In order to meet the WS3 objectives and to prepare for the paper writing hackathon, please have a look to:

Invited speakers

Speaker Institution Topic Confirm Date
Adel El Gammal EERA EERA and CET yes 12 oct
TBD ENEA ENEA in Digitalization for energy 12 oct
Edouard Audit CEA - MdlS EERA DfE SP1 + EoCoE yes 12 oct (30 min) In the afternoon if possible
Rosa M Badia BSC eflows4hpc project yes 12 oct (30 min) Either on the morning or 4 pm on
Marjorie Bertolus CEA NM SP yes 13 oct (15 min)
Marta Serrano Garcia CIEMAT ENTENTE yes 13 oct (15 min)
Eduard Doujak TU Wien Hydro SP yes 13 oct (15 min)
David Lacroix Lorraine Univ AMPEA SP 13 oct (15 min)
Peter Breuhaus Norcer Research ESI SP yes 13 oct (15 min)
TBD Workflows 13 oct
TBD Energy in buildings 13 oct (15 min)
TBD Energy markets 13 oct (15 min)
TBD Energy policies 13 oct (15 min)
TBD E3S UC (COMETS) 13 oct

Agenda - 12 October


  • Who is there and why?
  • Conference content (Presentation of topics of interest)
14:00 Welcome and introduction Massimo Celino (ENEA)
14:10 ENEA Giorgio Graditi (ENEA)
14:20 EERA Adel El Gammal (EERA)
14:40 EERA DfE Digitalization Rafa (CIEMAT)
14.50 SP1 (EoCoE) Edouard Audit (CEA)
15:10 SP2 (EERAdata) + community paper Valeria Jana Schwanitz (HVL)
15:30 Break
15:45 AI + FAIR for Energy Tbd
16:15 Workflows Rosa M Badia

Agenda - 13 October


  • workflow II + best practice example for a use case (data focussed)
  • Presentation of use-cases from DfE, JPs and EERAdata - max. 15. ESI, AMPEA, Hydro, NM, e3s and JP initiated projects. Candidates: hydro, e3s (COMETS, EERAdata - workflows for FAIR COMETS inventory), EERAdata use cases (energy efficiency in buildings, electricity markets, energy & energy efficiency policies), materials (AMPEA, EERAdata use case), FCH, nuclear (ENTENTE project), energy system integration. Energy data space application (present planned use cases to collect feedback for the application which is due one week later).
09:00 Invited: workflows/AI/FAIR Tbd
09:30 NM SP Marjorie Bertolus (CEA)
09:45 Hydro SP Eduard Doujak (TU Wien)
10:00 AMPEA SP David Lacroix (Lorraine Univ)
10:15 ESI SP Peter Breuhaus (Norce Research)
10:30 ENTENTE Project Marta Serrano Garcia (CIEMAT)
10.45 E3S UC (COMETS) Tbd
11:00 BREAK
11:15 Energy in buildings Tbd
11:30 Energy markets Tbd
11:45 Energy policies Tbd
12:00 Energy in materials Tbd