Preparatory workshop

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Preparatory workshop

In order to meet the WS3 objectives and to prepare for the paper writing hackathon, please have a look to the preparatory workshop. The preparatory workshop was needed to discuss about:

  • best practices in FAIRfication processes
  • state of the art and needs for data management and workflows
  • briefing participants for the upcoming workshop No. 3 and the planned community paper

Preparatory workshop was on July 6th, 2021. It is part of a series of workshops dedicated to the FAIRification and opening of energy research data in and with the low carbon energy research experts and communities at large. The preparatory workshop takes the form of an online discussion with invited talks and a panel discussion.


6th July, 10-12 CET Agenda
10:00 - 10:05 Welcome and introduction, Massimo Celino (ENEA)
10:05 - 10:20 FAIR data collective, Nikola Vasiljevic (DTU Wind Energy, GOFAIR Facilitator Team)
10:20-10:35 FAIR data resources - examples from the life sciences, Susanna-Assunta Sansone (University of Oxford)
10:35-10:50 Data management in the BIG-MAP project and its relation with the BATTERY 2030+ community, Ivano Castelli (DTU Energy)
10:50-11:00 Break
11:00-11:15 From energy community principles to the EERAdata platform, Manfred Paier (AIT)
11:15-12:00 Panel discussion with Q&A


The objective of the online discussion was to prepare the 3rd EERAdata community workshop. In this workshop participants explored use cases to:

  • manage the implementation of FAIR and open principles,
  • identify and test workflows for the FAIRification and opening of databases,
  • collaborate on a community paper “AI & data-driven science for the energy transition”.

Gathering 40 participants, this EERAdata online discussion focused on the state of the art and needs for data management and workflows through best-practice lectures about the organisation of the FAIRification processes. The workshop was part of the the third EERAdata workshop which continue in October.

Three external speakers showcased their best practices on FAIR workflows:

  • Nikola Vasiljevic (DTU Wind Energy) presented approaches from the initiative GOFAIR.
  • Susanna-Assunta Sansone (University of Oxford) gave insights into data processing by the initiative FAIRsharing.
  • Ivano Castelli (DTU Energy) discussed FAIR data workflows applied in material science. Lastly Manfred Paier (AIT) introduced participants to the concept of the EERAdata platform.

Dr. Nikola Vasiljevic highlighted the FAIR data collective, an informal group collaborating on the FAIRification lifecycle. He stressed that it is pivotal to allow non-web-semantic experts to execute the FAIRification lifecycle, for which they develop controlled vocabularies, metadata templates and open sources tools, such as the CEDAR workbench.

In her lecture, Prof. Dr. Susanna-Assunta Sansone went back to the roots, clarifying that FAIR principles mean “good data management under common standards”. The general FAIRification process goes through the cycle of ‘define’, ‘implement’, and ‘embed & sustain’. She introduced the initiatves ELIXIR and FAIRsharing as well as the support tool FAIR cookbook. ELIXIR is a platform for FAIR life science data in Europe. FAIRsharing is an educational resource on data and metadata standards, targeting all disciplines as well as funders, publishers, and other stakeholders. The FAIR cookbook supports the FAIR workflows with recipes and applied examples for each of the FAIR principles.

Dr. Ivano Castelli introduced the European project BIG-MAP, which focusses on improving battery technology and is part of the Battery2030+ initiative. The project gathers not only numerical data but also documents, films, and photographs. The data is collected in an app store ready for end-use processing. The data sharing process has been tested in the Battery2030+ and BIG-MAP projects and will be crucial for the StoRIES project starting in the second half of 2021.

Finally, Manfred Paier presented the concept for the EERAdata community platform. He introduced the idea of FAIR digital objects and FAIR Implementation Profiles as EERAdata’s choice for supporting FAIR workflows and standards.

Lectures were wrapped up by a panel debate. The take-home message is distilled in a conclusion by Susanna-Assunta Sansone: “It is necessary to jump onto the wagon and try out for the domain (…) Use what exists. There is no way around trying out”. In this spirit, the EERAdata project will continue its work to steer the FAIR train for the low-carbon energy domain. The next possibility for researchers and policymakers to join the efforts of the EERAdata project is the online workshop organized together with the annual conference of EERA’s Joint Program Digitalization for Energy. The event will take place between 11 and 15 October 2021.

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