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Draft for EERAdata DMP

  • should comply with maDMP, so suggested format is xml (e.g., see an example for maDMP mockup)
  • should fulfill the objectives to:
    • Manage all data relevant for the project.
    • Adhere to FAIR and open data principles.
    • Establish a proof-of-concept for a DMP blueprint for the low carbon energy research community (e.g. ready to use for H2020 projects or other funding agencies and to support recommendation no. 1 of the Technopolis Report ‘Request systematically a data management plan (DMP) for all energy research applications to H 2020’)
    • All the project activities will be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

In the application we have promised that the DMP would fulfill these functionalities: (following Miksa et al. 2019):

  1. Integrate DMPs with the workflow of all stakeholders in the research data ecosystem: EERAdata will provide a collaborative workspace enabling this functionality.
  2. Allow an automated system to act on behalf of stakeholders: EERAdata will explore the possibility to automatically extract information to DMPs and/or to entries in the federated database (see WP 3). This includes administrative information (e.g. information on funding agency and participants etc as collected in CORDIS), license information (e.g. information on type of license using wizard from EUDAT), automated booking of necessary storage (e.g. using repositories such as DATAVERSE), automatic deposits of project data and associated metadata (e.g. towards automated reporting in H2020), validation & compliance (e.g. by funding agencies)
  3. Make policies for machines and people: EERAdata follows strict templates for documents.
  4. Describe - for both machines and humans - the components of the data management ecosystem: EERAdata tests to what extent this request is general or project-specific (with implications for the suggested DMP blueprint).
  5. Use PIDs and controlled vocabularies: EERAdata follows this in the design of all WP activities.
  6. Follow a common data model for DMPs: EERAdata builds on the models suggested by the Working Group on DMP of Research Data Alliance (RDA), see the structure below. Moreover, EERAdata involves Ana Slavec (RDA) in the advisory board, who is an export on DMPs.
  7. Make DMPs available for human and machine consumption: This is the core of EERAdata and its DMP adheres to FAIR and open data principles.
  8. Support data management evaluation and monitoring: Explore whether the periodic reporting functionality of the EC Portal can be improved through linking to a project’s DMP.
  9. Make DMPs updatable, living, versioned documents: EERAdata understands its DMP as a living document designed for versioning.
  10. Make DMPs publicly available.

The EERAdata DMP has dissemination level ‘PU’ (see D1.3).

Structure (following the hierarchy of the RDA model) with Contact information, Cost information, Track of changes, Staff involved, Datasets generated (incl. data quality assurance, data identification number, license, distribution, keywords, metadata, type), Description, Ethical issues, Language, Project information, and Title.


aligning with stakeholders listed in Miksa et al. 2019 and definitions of stakeholders provided therein (here given in brackets)

Stakeholder Definition in Miksa et al. 2019 Specs in EERAdata
Funder funding agencies and foundations that specify requirements for DMPs and monitor compliance H2020 program, so our reports and deliverables should be included in the DMP
Ethics review IRBs/REBs that authorize human subjects research Our "new" deliverables should be included here and the agencies who use them.
Legal expert technology transfer offices; copyright and patent lawyers Name our institution's legal experts here? Links to documents: GA, CA, Project Management Handbook.
Researcher Principal Investigator and collaborators, including postdoctoral researchers and graduate and undergraduate students All consortium with ORCID and ResearchGate?
Publisher purveyors of article and data publication services  ??? Link to publications of EERAdata, with DOIs.
Repository operator general (e.g., Zenodo), disciplinary (e.g., GenBank, ICPSR), and institutional data repositories Project and post-project hosts of EERAdata platform, WIKI, etc. (EERA; AIT; ENEA); additional EERAdata repository at GitHub. During project OnlyOffice.
Infrastructure provider providers of systems for creating DMPs (DMPTool, DMPonline), grants administration, researcher profiles, etc.  ??? Same as hosts for the repositories?; In case we use the DMP generation template, e.g. from TU WIEN. Not yet working.
Example Example Example
Example Example Example
  • ():
  • (): here EERA and ENEA and AIT.
  • ():
  • Research support staff (data managers/curators, research administrators, and data librarians): ???
  • Institutional administrator (office of research/sponsored programs, chief information officers, university librarians, others. DMP, data management plan; ICPSR,; IRB, institutional review board; maDMP, machine-actionable DMP; REB, research ethics board.

Review of H2020 project DMPs

List of project DMPs

Project DMP and link Purpose/type of project Structure/elements Notes
REEEM, D8.2 DMP Output: Stakeholder Interaction Portal, a Pathways Diagnostic Tool and an Energy System Learning Simulation. DMP for "data collection to populate models, calibrate them, as well as allow for data exchange between different types of models and different partners" TOC: Project info, authors, history of changes, project summary, about, principles & summary, 1. DMP checklist (data collection, documentation & metadata, ethics & legal compliance, storage & backup, selection and preservation, data sharing, responsibilities & resources, data project impact assessment), 2. Definition and Matter, 3. Links. Pdf not xml document. Not machine-actionable.
Example Example Example Example
Example Example Example Example

Sources to learn about DMPs
